Edmund Taylor Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No. 296
Edmund Taylor Royal Ark Mariner Lodge had a busy evening on the 19th February when it admitted a joining member, elevated two candidates and presented a Grand Lodge Certificate. Twenty-two Royal Ark Mariner gathered in the lower lodge room in Blackpool Masonic Hall Adelaide Street to attend the meeting. Due to the indisposition of the Worshipful Commander Brother Peter Neville Worshipful Brother Robert Arrand occupied the Worshipful Commanders chair and at 7:00 pm opened the Lodge. Several items of an administrative and Domestic nature were attended to before a ballot took place for the joining member Brother Stephen Smith and Candidates Brother James Rashid and Brother John Chapman all three from Bispham with Norbreck Lodge of Mark Master Masons although Bro. Smith is also a member of a Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in Lanzarote, Spain. The ballot proved favourable.
Don Bro.Steve Smith el Distrito de Espana   (District of Spain)
Brother Smith was escorted into the Lodge and introduced to the Acting Worshipful Commander who welcomed him and presented him with a copy of the By-Laws and a copy of the ritual, suggesting it may be an awfully lot different to his Spanish version. On an alarm the first of the candidates Bro. James Rashid was admitted and conducted around the Lodge by Worshipful Brother Ernie Gavan Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank and Worshipful Brother Geoff Crossland Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank and obligated by the Worshipful Commander and taken to a seat in the Lodge. Brother John Chapman was admitted and obligated, The signs were explained by Worshipful Brother Brian Ogden Lodge Warder an the working tools were presented by Worshipful Brother Wally Atcheson Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank Lodge Assistant Director of Ceremonies. The steps were explained by the Lodge Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother Ray Lamb Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. Bro. Rashid and Chapman were escorted to a seat in the Lodge.
Bro. James Rashid, W.Bro. Robert Arrand and Bro. John Chapman
At the Festive Board
John makes a point whilst W.Bro. Stephen Leach enjoys a quick refresher
The next Item on the agenda was to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Brother Alan Barnes which Worshipful Brother John Forster presented in his usual faultless manner. There being no other business the Worshipful Commander closed the Lodge. The short time between the ceremony and the festive board gave an opportunity for a quick photo-shoot and just enough time for an aperitif. W.Bro Lamb called the Brethren to the dining room where we partook of a splendid three course dinner. The toasts and responses were well received and before long we were heading homeward another evening of Royal Ark Mariner Masonry at its very best, over.    
Words and pictures by Ernie Gavan